Sunday, September 2, 2012


cheerful |ˈCHi(ə)rfəl|
adjective• causing happiness by its nature or appearance

(Source : New Oxford American Dictionary)

cramped |kram(p)t|

• cramped accommodations: confined uncomfortablerestricted,constrictedsmalltinynarrowcrowdedpackedcongestedarchaic, strait.

(Source : Oxford American Writers Thesaurus)

bright |brīt|

• (of a period of timehaving sunny, cloudless weather
• having a vivid color
• giving an appearance of cheerful liveliness
(Source : New Oxford American Dictionary)

surreal |səˈrēəl|adjective• having the qualities of surrealism• a backdrop of surreal imagesunrealbizarreunusualweirdstrange,freakishunearthlyuncannydreamlikephantasmagorical.(Source : New Oxford American Dictionary, Oxford American Writers Thesaurus)

ordinary |ˈôrdnˌerē|adjective• with no special or distinctive features; normal the ordinary course of eventsusualnormalstandardtypicalcommon,customaryhabitualeverydayregularroutineday-to-day.(Source : New Oxford American Dictionary, Oxford American Writers Thesaurus)

sacred |ˈsākrid|adjective• dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserving veneration• regarded with great respect and reverence by a particular religion,groupor individual
(Source : New Oxford American Dictionary)

desperate |ˈdespərit|adjectivefeeling, showing, or involving a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with(Source : New Oxford American Dictionary)

hopeful |ˈhōpfəl|adjective•  feeling or inspiring optimism about a future event(Source : New Oxford American Dictionary)

lonely |ˈlōnlē|adjective• (of a place) unfrequented and remote(Source : New Oxford American Dictionary)

banal |ˈbānlbəˈnal-ˈnäl|adjective• something that is common in a boring way, to the point of being predictable.(Source : Wikipedia)

open |ˈōpən|adjective allowing access, passage, or a view through an empty space; notclosed or blocked up• exposed to the air or to view; not covered(Source : New Oxford American Dictionary)

mysterious |məˈsti(ə)rēəs|adjective• (of a location) having an atmosphere of strangeness or secrecy(Source : New Oxford American Dictionary)

romantic |rōˈmantikrə-|adjective• inclined toward or suggestive of the feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love(Source : New Oxford American Dictionary)

gloomy |ˈglo͞omē|adjective• dark or poorly lit, esp. so as to appear depressing or frightening• a gloomy roomdarkshadowysunlessdimsomberdingydismal,drearymurkyunwelcomingcheerlesscomfortlessfunerealliteraryStygian. ANTONYMS brightsunny.(Source : New Oxford American Dictionary, Oxford American Writers' Thesaurus)

shelter |ˈSHeltər|
noun• a place giving temporary protection from bad weather or danger.• a shielded or safe conditionprotection
(Source : New Oxford American Dictionary)

grand |grand|
 magnificent and imposing in appearance, size, or style
(Source : New Oxford American Dictionary)

neglected |niˈglektid|
adjective• suffering a lack of proper care
• the state or fact of being uncared for
(Source : New Oxford American Dictionary)

vitality |vīˈtalitē|
noun• the bright weather has revived my vitalitylivelinesslifeenergyspirit,vivacityexuberancebuoyancybounceelanvervevimpepbrio,zestsparkledynamismpassionfirevigordrivepunchget-up-and-go.• Vitality refers to ones life, life force, healthyouth, or ability to live or exist.
(Source : Oxford American Writers' Thesaurus, Wikipedia)

concealed |kənˈsēld|adjective• kept secret; hidden• keep (something) secret; prevent from being known or noticed(Source : New Oxford American Dictionary)